Monday, November 29, 2010

Border Reverend Brings Faith into Immigration Debate

I think your church is doing a wonderful thing. It's not fair to the hispanics who risk their lives to save lives of there families. Arizona has good aspects as well as negative too. If someone is in need of help and comes to the states to find that, we should not shun this away. families these days are becoming more and more adverse. I think the other 50 states need to pass law to make Arizona into mexico and help the people tear down the border wall. I respect a person for who they are not where they came from. That protestor should be sitting in tent city with Sherriff ARAPOI or whatever he calls himself. That man is a cruel individual and needs to be put in the same situation for not following human rights. All the hispanics i have supervised on construction crews are hard working and show up on time, usually car pooling which saves the environment i fish and hunt. God Bless America my home sweet home.